Julianne's Great Gram passed away recently and this post is just to honor Gram and her memory. She was a very special lady with a big heart and here are some of our favorite memories of Gram:
*Gram was visiting us in Houston the first time Julianne laughed out loud. Gram kept saying that it was because Julianne thought she was "funny looking."
*Gram going after Justin with a wooden spoon
*Gram buying beer for Justin in high school
*Gram saying the Morning Prayer with us when we said goodbye after Vanderbilt Graduation
*Her wonderful visits to Nashville, Atlanta, and The Woodlands
*Gram being the target of a velcro ball in the Poconos
*Gram's love of Wine Spritzers and Creme de Menthe
*Gram's love of life and family
*Gram's quiet faith and listening ear
I like to think of Gram as an angel now and she is certainly in a better place free of the physical and emotional turmoils of this life. She is a reminder to us all to love completely and "to live and let live" or as she put it "to each his own", to not be critical of others, and to have faith.