We were thrilled to find out that Baby #2 is another Girl!!! We know girls, we love girls, we have stuff for girls, and we are so happy. And I know what a beautiful thing it is to have a sister. :-) Of course there is that little voice inside that says, "Darn it, we will never have a son," but God knows what He is doing and we are thrilled. The baby looks healthy in her measurements so that is always comforting to hear. She is positioned head down and facing my back...she was curled up in a little ball, feet crossed, hands covering her face and she would not (despite tons of poking and prodding and the ultrasound tech saying how stubborn she is) turn her head to give us a picture of her face. Therefore, Dr. G is letting us have another ultrasound in 3 weeks before he head's off to Italy for 2 weeks. Yay. Julianne is very excited, but had been saying she wanted a brother to call her "stinky Julianne." I have assured her that sisters can tease eachother too. The baby is measuring about 4 days ahead, so due date of October 6th, but with a scheduled C-section, this one could even come in late September.
Other family news: I landed a part time job as a Brain Trainer for a company called Learning RX. I am very excited and start training in June. I will be working one on one with kids who have learning disabilities - the method behind Learning RX is to retrain the brain (not just put bandaids over the problems) and the owners are 2 former teachers frustrated with the lack of resources in the school systems. Learning RX is a national company and this branch in The Woodlands is #65 in the US. The hours are mainly afternoons from around 3 to 7 and on Saturdays. I will work about 15 hours a week, but it takes awhile to build up to that. I am excited and nervous at the same time...
We continue to pray that Justin holds down his job in this tough time and Deloitte doesn't lay off a 2nd member of our family tossing us into homelessness w/ no medical insurance while expecting baby #2. No, not a stressful time at all! Wink.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
9 Years and Mother's Day
Last week was pretty special as we celebrated our 9 year anniversary! I met Justin downtown for an evening out (rare these days) - we went to the Red Lion, a British Pub, for drinks and then to Houston's for dinner. Houston's was our favorite place to eat in Atlanta and they are on every corner there, but here there are only 2 and they are both "in town." It was a nice distraction from the every day and I am grateful for 9 wonderful years - Love You Lu!
Mother's Day weekend was nice too - Justin had a conference at the church Friday night and Saturday so Jules and I camped out at Mimi and Papa's to spend time with pregnant Jenny and Ryan as well as Aunt Lauren. Julianne played her heart out with everyone and for the first time ever was modest with being nude....after her bath Friday night she told Uncle Ryan that she was naked and he could not see her and she slunk away with the towel wrapped tightly around her (whereas at Christmas she ran around Ryan and Jenny's house with wild adondon naked as a jay bird). I guess she is growing up. We met up with Dad (finally) for dinner that night. On Mother's Day we went to church and lunch, the 3 of us and to one of the pools that opened up. It was a very nice weekend and I think we both feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
We have speaker at the church on Thursday night (a man with no limbs who travels the world inspiring people and who couldn't need some inspiration during these times???) and Supper Club on Friday Night at the Chappells new house, so should be fun. Next weekend we head for the Burg! Time is flying!
A few cute things:
*Justin and I were having one of many serious discussions we have had lately and Julianne yelled, "GUYS....stop argu-menting!"
*Yesterday we were on a walk and we told her she could not take a gazillion ponies with her and she said, "GUYS....I am fruster-bated."
*She tries to negotiate with us and will ask, "Is that a deal?"
*She is terrified of the smoke detector on her ceiling - it has a green light and she tells me it is a green eyed monster.
Mother's Day weekend was nice too - Justin had a conference at the church Friday night and Saturday so Jules and I camped out at Mimi and Papa's to spend time with pregnant Jenny and Ryan as well as Aunt Lauren. Julianne played her heart out with everyone and for the first time ever was modest with being nude....after her bath Friday night she told Uncle Ryan that she was naked and he could not see her and she slunk away with the towel wrapped tightly around her (whereas at Christmas she ran around Ryan and Jenny's house with wild adondon naked as a jay bird). I guess she is growing up. We met up with Dad (finally) for dinner that night. On Mother's Day we went to church and lunch, the 3 of us and to one of the pools that opened up. It was a very nice weekend and I think we both feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
We have speaker at the church on Thursday night (a man with no limbs who travels the world inspiring people and who couldn't need some inspiration during these times???) and Supper Club on Friday Night at the Chappells new house, so should be fun. Next weekend we head for the Burg! Time is flying!
A few cute things:
*Justin and I were having one of many serious discussions we have had lately and Julianne yelled, "GUYS....stop argu-menting!"
*Yesterday we were on a walk and we told her she could not take a gazillion ponies with her and she said, "GUYS....I am fruster-bated."
*She tries to negotiate with us and will ask, "Is that a deal?"
*She is terrified of the smoke detector on her ceiling - it has a green light and she tells me it is a green eyed monster.
Visit to East Texas
Cam and Les are due with another baby in October as well and we are predicting boy for us and girl for them. Grant and Julianne had fun chasing eachother, but they are clearly into very differnt things: Trucks VS Ponies. Maybe they learned something from eachother.
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