Well, my camera's wireless card is on the fritz so I cannot download new pics right now, but I do have some cute stories about Julianne. She is SO excited to become a big sister and talks about it daily. I think she senses big changes in our family with mom's growing belly and just the stuff that goes along with getting ready for a new baby - washing little clothes, wiping old toys down, setting up baby books, having diaper showers, etc. My diaper shower will need to be a separate post when I can put pics up, but it was so lovely and perfect. Thank you Jenny, Lauren, and Mom!
So here are some things Julianne is saying:
*I am going to be the first one to hold Jenna - no one else can hold her
*I am going to take care of Jenna - bathe her, put her little clothes on her, get her some toys, feed her some milk
*Mom, when Jenna pops out - I will be the one to catch her
*Mom, can you and Dad go upstairs and let me take care of Jenna by myself?
*I love my little baby Jenna
You get the idea - she is already in love with this little person and wanting to help out. Call it her age or just her inherent sweetness, but I think she is going to be a great big sister and helper!
Random, but we always have really interesting conversations in the car on the way to school and today she asked me,"Where does our voice come from?" and "What is beneath our skin?" When I told her bones, and muscles, and blood, she goes - "Oh, I like blood!" Lol.
Also, she has lately been telling Justin and I that we have 3 or 4 choices and will list them off with her fingers (You can either have popcorn or a popcicle or.....while counting down on her hands).....
And to report on activities, she is enjoying her pre-school which is T and Th from 9 to 2 and taking ballet/tap on Wednesdays. She loves it and I cried when they did this little mini routine for us. She had her hands on her hips and was shaking back and forth and had this little shy/embarassed look on her face that was priceless. As all of you parents know, the pride and love is just overwhelming at times! There are a few little bullies in her class at school and I have already conferenced with the teacher about them - yes, I am one of those mothers. :-)
Ok, more later and I hope for more pictures soon!