For some reason with this move to Dallas, I am obsessing over being "settled" - I think it is because since June of this year (6 months) we have been talking about moving, planning a move, actuallymoving, or unpacking and all that is involved with starting over. I am ready to be settled, nested, in one get the point. We are finally in our new house in Plano, TX and I love the house - I could not ask for a more perfect home. Now - can we please stay in this one for more than 2 years? God, I hope so. I hope we are here for 20 years. If you think that sounds ridiculous - you have not been through a move with a newborn baby and a toddler...not just a move around the corner either - a move to a new place where you don't know where the grocery store is and you can't find your own house after finally finding the grocery store! I am ready for things to feel familiar and homey, but I know we have a long way to go.
I do think the potential here is great for raising a family and enjoying a new place. We will desperately miss The Woodlands and our friends and family there, but thankfully we are only a drive away - albeit a long and hard one with 2 kiddos.
Julianne started her new pre-school yesterday and I walked her in with a huge lump in my throat, but a big, fake smile on my face for her sake. I think fake smiles may be necessary for awhile. Anyways, she seemed to love it. I was allowed to join them for the school play and Thanksgiving feast which was adorable. We are going to visit the church where her school is - Christ United Methodist Church of Plano this weekend. The faster we can get plugged in somewhere, the better. We are SO excited that our friends the Mills and the Andersons are near by so we have some wonderful friends near by - a huge comfort. Julianne already got to spend a day with Kendall at the Mills house last weekend and loved every minute of it. OH, we have a sweet 11 year old girl next door who is marketing herself as a "Mothers Helper" - she charges $3 an hour to come play with Julianne while Mommy unpacks and takes care of Jenna. We had her come over 2 days ago and Julianne loves her already. This is a blessing - truly. I know I have been spoiled beyond measure living so close to my folks and having a built in babysitter anytime I needed one - and they are still in town waiting for the arrival of Jenny's baby, Ella Grace, and helping me every day as I try to get unpacked. When they drive away - back to Houston - well, I can't even talk or think about it right now. I am finally going to have to "go it alone" as many people already do - but again - I have to adjust to it - and it won't be easy for this girl or for Julianne. I don't say this to sound negative, but truthful and honest. I am excited and I know this is where God wants us and I am thrilled beyond measure for Justin's new job - but that does not make moving easy.
Jenna is 6 weeks, but I feel like she has been with us forever. I feel she is neglected by me b/c once she is fed, I stick her in some contraption be it a swing or bouncy and don't pay attention to her until it is time to eat again. She plays by herself and puts herself to sleep. She is a low maintenance child by genetics or by necessity or just by the simple fact that mom and dad don't have time right now....once we are "Settled," I hope to spend some quality time with her.
Thanksiving and Christmas will probably be a blur for me this year - I may not even remember them, but I will try to enjoy them nonetheless as I know I have a lot to be thankful for.