Julianne started pre-school this Fall and goes every Friday from 9-1. The school is called The Children of The Woodlands and is not affiliated with our church, but happens to be held at our church. It works out great because she is familiar with the building and absolutely loves going there. It is so cute to see her wear a little backpack and go into a setting where she is learning and surrounded by other kids her age. I know lots of kids go to daycare/school every day of the week, but this was a pretty big step for us and she has adjusted so well. I think next year I will sign her up to go twice or maybe even 3 times a week. The have music class, play outside, have centers, story time, snack time, lunch, etc. She is one of the only kids who does not eat her lunch because she is so excited to just be there. It makes me think she has been bored out of her mind all this time at home. Oh Well. Julianne is imitating almost everything and putting words together to make very short sentences like, "Want Goldfish" or "Bye Mama" or "Go Night Night" and she is also jumping which is fun to see. We spend a lot of time outside doing bubbles and sidewalk chalk which is fun.
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