Well, after a very busy weekend I had some nice down time at home with my new sand box/water table on the back deck. Spring has arrived and the weather is glorious and the bluebonnets are blooming! This is mom's favorite time of year and Dad is not complaining about the heat just yet, so we are all happy. It is time for picnics and parks and the pools open up in April.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Julianne enjoyed coloring Easter eggs on Saturday morning. We did not make it to any Easter Egg Hunts on Saturday, but she still had 2 on Sunday. When she woke up she found a trail of Easter Eggs that led from her room to the living room. She knew exactly what to do and found almost all of the eggs and very promptly put them in her basket. She got distracted a few times with opening the eggs and eating the jelly beans, but she stayed on track with some guidance. Church was great and then we went to Mimi and Papa's house where she napped and we ate a fabulous lunch. Jules had another hunt when she woke up. We had a cook out at our house on Friday night and went out for a nice Italian meal Saturday night, so it was a busy weekend, but fun.
Last night she woke up at 4 am and when I went in there she said, "An elephant said Braaloooo and woke me up." I guess we have some imaginary friends that visit us at night now.

Last night she woke up at 4 am and when I went in there she said, "An elephant said Braaloooo and woke me up." I guess we have some imaginary friends that visit us at night now.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bed Head

Jules wakes up with some pretty fun bed head and we recently discovered kids detangling solution - I call it her "hairspray." A quick funny story - We went to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese last weekend and when we were saying our prayers last night I started out like I always do saying, "Thank you for Daddy, our house, etc." and Julianne chimed in with, "tank you for Chuck E Cheeses." She is already putting an "s" on words that don't have an "s" on the end which Justin says a lot of our fellow Texans do. Justin has pointed out that I say "Williams and Sonomas" and "Victoria's Secrets" - I mean, what is wrong with that, huh? :-) Oh, and another one is "Barnes and Nobles"I was never good at grammar. In fact that is the only area of English I always failed. Still got magna cum laude at Vandy though. Thank God for Peabody.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Big Girl Bed
Julianne has seemlessly made the transition to Big Girl Bed. The first time she saw her Big Bed she crawled up on to it and began squealing and rolling around. She immediately began jumping, but was told that is a "no no." The first few nights she wandered into our room saying, "Mommy Suzanne?" but now she sleeps pretty soundly and on occasion gets up just once. Friday night, she was wound up from a fun day and we kept catching her sneaking out of her room and trying to open the little drawer where we keep our front door key. When we asked what she was doing she said, "I unnnt key in bed."
By far, the cutest thing she has done lately is when she came into our room one morning and I picked her up and put her in bed with us. She looked at me and gently patted my face and said, "Hi Sweetheart." It just about made my heart melt. Julianne is a chatterbox and a drama queen and is so darn friendly. We meet random strangers and she is yelling "Hi Man! Hi Kids! Hi Boys!" to whoever passes us by.
So far, the terrible two's are not so terrible and are in fact, really fun. As she tries to control her little world, there is frustration when she discovers mommy and daddy are really in control of her world and there are limits to what she can do, but it is all a part of her normal and healthy develpment.
We are looking forward to Easter this weekend. We have an Easter Egg hunt at our church on Saturday, one at our house on Sunday morning, and one at Mimi/Papa's on Sunday afternoon, so she will have 3 egg hunts this year not including the one she did at school on Friday. She should be a pro after this year!
We are excited about this summer because eventhough Jules will not have school on Fridays, she will be starting gymnastics, swimming lessons, and will be going to 2 summer camps that last 2 weeks each. The camps are from 9-1 Mon-Thurs and each one has a theme like: "Animals" and "Olympics." The other fun thing we discovered is Story Time at the Library. Story Time lasts abuot an hour and the kids get animal crackers, sing songs, have 3 stories read to them (they read Dr Seuss the other week to celebrate his birthday), and do a craft. It is fun and free. We have started checking out library books too which is nice because I am so sick of all of her books except the new ones she got for Christmas/Birthday!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Julianne turns 2
Julianne is almost 25 months now, but her 2nd birthday is still uppermost on her mind...mainly, she looks out her window each morning and says,"I want...jump...castle." A few of her little friends mothers have said that their kids have been talking about wanting to come to "Julianne's Castle" to jump. So, our little princess and her friends had a great time at the party.

Here are a few pictures:

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