Jules wakes up with some pretty fun bed head and we recently discovered kids detangling solution - I call it her "hairspray." A quick funny story - We went to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese last weekend and when we were saying our prayers last night I started out like I always do saying, "Thank you for Daddy, our house, etc." and Julianne chimed in with, "tank you for Chuck E Cheeses." She is already putting an "s" on words that don't have an "s" on the end which Justin says a lot of our fellow Texans do. Justin has pointed out that I say "Williams and Sonomas" and "Victoria's Secrets" - I mean, what is wrong with that, huh? :-) Oh, and another one is "Barnes and Nobles"I was never good at grammar. In fact that is the only area of English I always failed. Still got magna cum laude at Vandy though. Thank God for Peabody.
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