Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dear God...
I thought I would report a few cute things that Julianne is saying so that I can have a record of them and also so you all can get a chuckle. During our nightly prayers, we thank God for whatever is on her mind...usually it is family members (Gamma, Gumps, Mimi, Papa, Neal, Lisa, Noelle, Jenny, Rynu, Yaya, and Agamoo, Dwight, Leo, and Dadddy)...However, last night she added: "Super Why" who is a cartoon character that teaches kids how to spell and read. After that it was, "Thank you for Cinderella pronouced "Cinderedda". She also thanked God for cows, tigers, elephants, frogs, and lizards. Then she asked me, "Where does God live?" and I told her that He lived everywhere, but mostly in her heart...then she said very enthusiastically, "I FEEL HIM in my heart and in my tummy!" I could not stop laughing.
Sunday, April 27, 2008


I got to observe Julianne at Pre-School last week. She goes on Fridays right now and this Fall she will go Wed. and Fri. This picture was taken before we left and she was eating her shape-o blocks. Her school day is unstructured in the beginning of the day and all the kids have free play painting, drawing, playing kitchen, reading etc. I got to read the class a story and Julianne was sqealing with delight and saying, "that's MY mommy" really loud. They have playground time, music, and chapel, but I did not get to observe any of that. It was neat to be a fly on teh wall. We move one week from this Thursday, so we are packing up. Justin is traveling a lot - Chicago last week, Phoenix this week, then St Louis, then DC...craziness. I will probably be slow in posting or slower than normal due to the move. We will send out address cards once it is all official.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cottage Green

If all goes as planned with appraisals and inspections, this will be our new house as of May 2nd. It may look familiar to some of you who visited our home in Marietta. This is sort of an upgraded version of that house. We are excited and stressed at the same time.
I start my new job with Internal Mobility on Monday.
Lots of change.
Julianne is doing great. Daddy's birthday is tomorrow and we all have to work, but we will celebrate this weekend.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Possibly moving on...
Some news for the Chatigny family: our house is on the market. This link should take you to a virtual tour of the house:
If you know of anyone on the market in The Woodlands or N/NW Houston, please share the link! We have had about 10 showings in 5 days, so we are hoping the house sells quickly. We have identified a neighborhood with Craftsman Style homes, sidewalks, playgrounds and elementary school within walking distance, etc. We ho[e to either buy or build in this neighborhood. The only downside is that the house will most likely be a 3 bedroom, but this is not a major deterrent. It is a bit tricky to keep the house spotless and have to dash out of the house at a moments notice with a 26 month old who may be napping, but we are making it work.
Other news: I have had 3 interviews for another job within Deloitte and hope to become part of the CCC organization which stands for Coaching and Career Connections. The work done by this organiztion is very much in line with my career goals and my personality. I would become a Career Coach dealing with employees who need assistance in finding internal opportunities. This internal mobility group is part of Deloitte's initiative to Attract and Retain our best people and I would love to be a part of it. I find out in the next 2 weeks if I will get the job.
I hate to jinx myself, but Julianne has been sleeping GREAT! She sleeps through the night and is taking wonderful, long naps (3 hours yesterday which she has only done twice in her entire life). She may be coming down with something, but we will see. Usually her naps are about 1.5 hours. As her mother, I believe that she is growing out of her reflux and when it does wake her, I think she can now put herself back to sleep. We are also Ear Infection Free since the tubes and that has been a huge blessing.
Please keep my grandmother, Ninny, my Uncle Bill, and Madelyn Lacey in your prayers. They could all use some health miracles and comfort. Also, please pray that our house situation will work out as it should.
Love to All.
If you know of anyone on the market in The Woodlands or N/NW Houston, please share the link! We have had about 10 showings in 5 days, so we are hoping the house sells quickly. We have identified a neighborhood with Craftsman Style homes, sidewalks, playgrounds and elementary school within walking distance, etc. We ho[e to either buy or build in this neighborhood. The only downside is that the house will most likely be a 3 bedroom, but this is not a major deterrent. It is a bit tricky to keep the house spotless and have to dash out of the house at a moments notice with a 26 month old who may be napping, but we are making it work.
Other news: I have had 3 interviews for another job within Deloitte and hope to become part of the CCC organization which stands for Coaching and Career Connections. The work done by this organiztion is very much in line with my career goals and my personality. I would become a Career Coach dealing with employees who need assistance in finding internal opportunities. This internal mobility group is part of Deloitte's initiative to Attract and Retain our best people and I would love to be a part of it. I find out in the next 2 weeks if I will get the job.
I hate to jinx myself, but Julianne has been sleeping GREAT! She sleeps through the night and is taking wonderful, long naps (3 hours yesterday which she has only done twice in her entire life). She may be coming down with something, but we will see. Usually her naps are about 1.5 hours. As her mother, I believe that she is growing out of her reflux and when it does wake her, I think she can now put herself back to sleep. We are also Ear Infection Free since the tubes and that has been a huge blessing.
Please keep my grandmother, Ninny, my Uncle Bill, and Madelyn Lacey in your prayers. They could all use some health miracles and comfort. Also, please pray that our house situation will work out as it should.
Love to All.
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