I got to observe Julianne at Pre-School last week. She goes on Fridays right now and this Fall she will go Wed. and Fri. This picture was taken before we left and she was eating her shape-o blocks. Her school day is unstructured in the beginning of the day and all the kids have free play painting, drawing, playing kitchen, reading etc. I got to read the class a story and Julianne was sqealing with delight and saying, "that's MY mommy" really loud. They have playground time, music, and chapel, but I did not get to observe any of that. It was neat to be a fly on teh wall. We move one week from this Thursday, so we are packing up. Justin is traveling a lot - Chicago last week, Phoenix this week, then St Louis, then DC...craziness. I will probably be slow in posting or slower than normal due to the move. We will send out address cards once it is all official.
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