Oh yeah, I don't have one anymore because Deloitte laid me off for the second time in 10 years and asked me to turn in my computer 24 hours later. Bitter? Sort of. Relieved? Surprisingly, yes, I feel relief. Staying Busy? Yes, insanely. Enjoying time away from work? Absolutely!
Julianne is doing well despite her allergies/sinus trouble that do get her up in the night. Right now she is into:
*My Little Ponies
*Making "houses" for her ponies made of other toys, pillows, etc.
*Group hugs pronouced Goop Hug
*A little boy named Eli at school pronouced Eeeewhy
*Asking for Dr Haggerty when she feels bad pronouced Hagga Docterdy
We have had some fun weekends with a date night to the movies (my favorite)... we saw Body of Lies which is awesome, SupperClub, Birthday parties, etc. Jules and I ventured down to the Houston Zoo yesterday and had dinner with Aunt Lauren and Dwight while Dad worked late.
Basically, time is flying and the weeks are flying - I wish time would slow down a bit. I guess that ain't going to happen.
I hope to update the blog when I either get a new laptop or revive our old one from 10 years ago. :-)
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