My camera is missing so no new pictures to post. It must be pregnancy brain, but I cannot find it anywhere. I am hoping with Spring cleaning it will turn up, but if not, we will be in the market for a new one. Sigh.
The Lacey Family came to see us last weekend! It was raining cats and dogs and freezing (we all thought Spring was here for good - not) but we had a great time. Camryn and Julianne played non stop for 4 days. They painted with watercolors, dressed up like princesses and acted out the movies, and we even found them playing a potty game that we think helped Julianne finally go potty! YAY! After Julianne went potty she told me that, "now she needs to go to Disney World." I wish. We treked down to the Houston Rodeo and the girls enjoyed seeing a sheep herding contest, petting huge pigs, cows, and bunnies. All of the outdoor pony rides and carnival stuff was closed due to rain, but they got the idea. Madelyn is just a precious joy to be around - so happy and easygoing. She fell in love with Julianne's tool kit - screws, hammers, you name it - she was into it. So cute. Thank you guys for coming to see us - it was a huge effort and we are missing you already!
Other updates: I am 11 weeks pregnant. We had out last Fertility Doctor appointment this week and so I am off the shots, pills, and patches which were all hormone treatments. Now that the placenta is formed, it takes over the hormone production and distribution. I know - TMI. We both predict we are having a girl and yes, we are thinking of names - everything from Maya, Ava, Keira, Charlotte, Alexandra, Caroline, Joline have crossed our minds. Just kidding about Joline - that name came from an American Idol country song performace and it is the worst name I have ever heard - hope no one is offended. :-)
We have been on Spring Break this week and have been bored mostly. Looking forward to activities and school next week as well as a visit from my cousin Ashley and her family of 4 the next week.
The latest Julianneisms:
*2 popular words are aggravated (pronounced with a b rather than a v) and important: i.e.
"I am "aggrabated" right now!"
"This toy is very important."
*The song Love Story by Taylor Swift is her favorite song - she dances to it every time
*She asked her Dad what is a Single Lady (she heard this term in a song) and he replied in terms she could understand, "It is a lady who does not have a prince yet."
*She calls Daddy "our prince."
*She still wants to marry her friend Kendall Mills who we got to spend all day with today b/c they are in town - it was the best day we have had in a long time! So fun!
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