One week ago tonight, my water broke - it was not this huge gush that people talk about, but a slow trickle that got bigger and bigger. After waking up Justin, paging the doctor, adding a few things to my hospital bag, then telling Justin it was a false alarm, then calling the doctor again, then telling Justin it was time to go to the hospital - we grabbed our 3 year old around midnight and headed for Memorial Hermann. Mimi and Papa met us there to take Jules back home and Justin and I went in for a long night in the Triage room. I was hooked up to monitors to check my contractions as well as to monitor Jenna's heartbeat. We waited in that room from midnight until 7 am (being told that 3 other mothers had to deliver before me for urgent reasons). The contractions did get to a point where I needed pain meds and so I was pretty loopy when they wheeled me in to deliver. The main things I remember are: Justin's teary and excited eyes that I stared into while they cut me open, hearing the 2 docs and nurses go "WHOA" as they delivered Jenna ("She is huge!!!" and "Look at that head!"), and hearing her sweet cry that seems to take forever to come. I remember feeling that sweet relief of having that huge baby out of my body. Her apgar scores were 9 and 9 and that made me feel good too. While in the recovery room I was not impressed with the 2 nurses tending to us and for some reason I got fixated on that - the one caring for Jenna and checking her out had this huge frown on her face and she seemed very put out and I kept asking, "Is she OK? Is everything OK???" and then she would look at me like I was crazy. The other nurse caring for me was being way too stingy with the pain medication and I basically felt like my incision was on fire until she gave me a bit more...I mean, it is not every day you have your abdomen cut open! Our stay in the hospital was very good overall and our main challenge was and continues to be Jenna learning to latch on to the breast feeding routine. Oh and the little oinker eats every 2 hours, so no real down time between feedings. We are struck by how much more calm and comfortable we are this time around.
We feel very blessed to have 2 beautiful, healthy girls and our family feels complete now. Big sister is doing very well and we are trying to give her special attention time as we can. I know she is ready for mom to be able to do normal things again like go to the park and pick her up, etc so I am anxious to get healed and start living again!!!
Hope to have more pics soon.
OH, and our other family news is that we are moving to Dallas. More on that later, but picture this: New job for Dad, New House, New Baby, New City. Could we please have a little more change in our lives?
Love, The Proud Mom of Julianne and Jenna
Congrats!! Can't wait to visit you guys in your new digs and meet that sweet baby girl!
SO happy for you all! I can't wait to see you next week and get to meet little Jenna. Congrats on such a beautiful family and all the changes sound daunting yet I know you can do it! :)
Congrats!!! Such precious little girls!!!
so glad she's here!!! Can't wait to meet her.
She's beautiful! I can't wait to meet her!!
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