Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Julianne has frequently been called Jules by us and has now nicknamed her sister, Jenns. I love it - Jules and Jenns.

Jenns here is what you have been up to lately at 3 months old (I can't believe it!):

*smiling HUGE at anyone who smiles at you
*your eyes are SO expressive and happy
*you are starting to babble and gurgle and try to talk to us
*you love to kick, kick, kick your legs, but you do not like tummy time very much
*you love your bottle and make this relieved sound when it is finally in your mouth
*I don't even know when you have woken up in your swing b/c you don't make a peep - I just check in and when your eyes are open, I find you discovering your hands - mainly trying to eat them
*you are cutting a tooth on the bottom and drooling like a champ
*you are only eating once in the middle of the night - thank you, jens!!!
*you have made this crazy time in our lives as easy as you possibly could have - thank you, jens!!!
*we are madly in love with you

1 comment:

Kinsey Pistorius said...

she sounds like a doll! I can't believe she is already getting teeth and that she did so well in the swing. Drew loved it but Dilan hated it! Love Jenna's new nickname too! :)