Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Latest from Plano

Jenna finds her thumb! Other news on Ms Jenna:
*She has found her feet and loves to look at them, suck on them, and is so flexible!
*Jenna had her first rice cereal and sweet potatoes at 5 months old - she stares longingly at us while we eat food, so she is ready.
*Jenna laughs out loud on a daily basis at Julianne
*Jenna loves her exesaucer and bounce a roo and being able to be in the upright position
*Jens is so precious and chubby - she gives huge smiles to us and especially Dad when he comes home at the end of the day
*Her favorite word right now is "Aggooo"

Our Angels

"Mom, it is not fair to tell little girls NO."

As always, Papa is the very best playmate.

Oh and Daddy is a good sport too! We are 2 peas in a pod.


Kinsey Pistorius said...

oh my gosh - your dad in those glasses is cracking me up - of course with 3 girls of his own, I'm sure he did that a lot while y'all were growing up! TOO CUTE!!!

Donaldson Days... said...

Ok.. Julianne is totally going to give you that look many more times in her life...probably around age 13 :)

The girls are growing up so fast and are too cute!! Hope to see you guys soon!!!