Julianne in her ladybug Halloween costume from 2 years ago helps mom in the kitchen.

A wonderful visit from the Lacey family. Julianne and Camy played book store, ponies, and enjoyed the backyard quite a bit.

Mady got to ride her first carosel ride at our mall. She loved it! There is a little plastic house in our backyard and Mady recently told her mom that she wanted to go back to that sweet little house in "Zanny's" backyard. I can't believe she remembered the house or me.

Jenna and finger foods as early as 8 months - she is not going to eat that mushy baby food when big sister gets real food! She is a wonderful eater - eating everything from mushrooms to hummus to avocado while Big Sis is still stuck on peanut butter waffle and mac n cheese.

The beginning of our alphabet lessons and my attempt at some home school efforts this summer. We took a letter each week and did activities, made crafts, ate foods, etc that went with that netter. She also got a little book for each letter that I made from a website. We started with A, B and then I read to NOT go in order when teaching letters, so we then did the letters in her name, and then started just randomly picking letters. We are still going, but she has come a long way. My favorite was "N" week. We were in Spring for that week and we went to a bead shop and made a Necklace. We found some Nests at Michael's and little birdies and eggs to go in them and they are a new favorite play thing. We dressed up like a Nurse. We made and ate Noodles. We looked at a picture of Noelle and Neal (cousin and Uncle), etc. We circled all of the Noses in a magazine and made a collage with them. You get the idea. It has been kind of fun. There is also a great website called
www.starfall.com that has a great alphabet game for kids. We are doing R this week so Rasberries and Rice Crispie Treats are on the menu.
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