Jenna had a wonderful family celelbration weekend for her birthday (Can't believe she is 1) and her baptism! We had the Williams side and most of the Chatigny side (we missed Lisa and Andrew) and had a wonderful time!

We may get annoyed at all of the picture taking, but it sure is nice to have them! Future Williams Christmas card. I must say I love this tree in our front yard.

Gamma and Gumps brought these special hats from Turkey for their older grand-daughters. Ooh la la! Fancy Nancy would be jealous.

The little lady loving her cake from the famed RJ Goodies. Thank you Mimi!

Out to a celebration dinner with a special Barbie book. Gotta love the top lip curled under / show all my teeth smile from our curly girl here.

Uncle Neal and Papa John. Note the enormous margs. Yumm.

Maximos was great and decorated very much to our taste!

More birthday cake shots - sharing with DADA.

Aunt La La with the 2 smallest muchkins.

Aunt Jenny holding down the fort at the swing set.

Mimi and Jenns.

Aunt Jenny and Ella Grace.

Uncle Ryan near the famed Confetti Pit. Jenna looking very protective of her new pull along alligator toy.

Uncle Andrew -bless his little heart. No kids, yet so tired. :-)

Confetti Pit was fun and Noelle insisted on going topless. Oh and I should mention that Noelle called me Aunt Texas and it is my new favorite nickname ever.

Lovely cake shot.

And the smash cake.

Neal, Noelle, Gumps,and Gamma at Fireside Pies! Another great and festive night!

All out of order here.

The big girls had to have boots and hats so off we went - thanks Uncle Neal!

Love my family.

These 2 do look alike sometimes! Mostly Jenna looks like Papa though.

Let the good times roll!
1 comment:
Ha! Love the pic of Andrew sleeping. Stooooone.....
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