Monday, April 26, 2010

A few quotes from Big Sister

Julianne: "Grant (her latest crush) is SUCH a hawk"

Mom: "You mean hunk?"

Julianne: "Yes! A hunk."


My sister had her daughter dedicated this past weekend and before the dedication there were some comtemporary Christian singers leading worship. They were awesome by the way....anyways, after the music worship part, the minister asked the parents and babies to come up and read a verse that they had picked out and they had the ceremony part.....

So today Julianne goes, "MOM! I just saw that place where Ella Grace was on stage with those Rock Stars!"


There is a retirement home in Plano called Sunrise that we looked at for my grandmother Ninny and now every time we pass it Julianne goes, "Well, I guess Ninny won't be living there since she is an angel now"

She also asked me if she would die someday and I told her not to worry about it because Dad and I would be waiting for her in heaven and she goes, "SO, Jenna and I will be living in the house ALONE?"

Later she goes, "We will probably die at the same time since we are on the same potty schedule" referring to the fact that we usually have to go to the bathroom at the same times through the day.

1 comment:

Kinsey Pistorius said...

Suzanne, your girls are so beautiful - it's so fun to see them getting bigger!!! and I love the quotes, that little Julianne is too cute! :)