Monday, January 26, 2009

Party is coming!

So I ordered My Little Pony Birthday Invitations from a Web Site that must have been a fraud. They took my money and ran - so to speak. My mom rescued me and had these adorable invitations done last week, so we will have one for the scrapbook. I was just going to send an email! Julianne is very excited about her Unicorn/My Little Pony/Pump It Up Party. We seem to have lots of themes going here, but we will just roll with it.
Julianne told Uncle Andrew at his birthday dinner that she was 2 right now, but that she was turning 3 at Pump-A-Jump (where she is having her party, but it is Pump-it-Up).
On another note: I am wearing a black and white striped shirt today and Julianne goes, "Mom, you look like a zebra!"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I want to live at the toy store

So, Julianne and I checked out a new toy store near our house to get some birthday gift ideas and boy did she have some! In fact, when we were leaving, I said, "we have to go home now to Daddy and June" and she said, "No, Mom, I want to live at the toy store!"

I truly think I am still 50% kid (I get this from my father who will play "bunnies" endlessly with Julianne) because I really want to play with the toys and read the kiddie books too - Even more, I love the thought of taking her to Disney World, Sea World, Splash Town, the Circus, etc. - that stuff just makes my heart sing and to see her little face light up and enjoy it and relish in it makes it sing BIG (as Jules would say). I mean let's face it, we all have a very limited number of years in which to be a kid and be "carefree" and then it is the real world and having a child allows us to slip back into that kid mode even though it drains our pockets dry - it is WORTH it.

In conclusion, I want to live at a toy store too!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Victorian Mother with a Child

I saw this picture on someone else's blog and really loved it. It reminded me of how important it is to pray for Julianne and with her as well. When I feel inadequate as a mother or as a wife or a Christian or just as a person, I find solace in praying and in God's promise to never forsake us. Sometimes the "world" can truly pull ones spirits down - just listen to the news for 5 minutes - local, national, world - it doesn't matter - it is all - for the most part sad and depressing. It is such a comfort to me that there is a God who cares so deeply about us, everyone who is suffering, alone, poor and cares about every decision we make. Justin and I have some tough personal decisions to make and so I put my faith - never in the world or the people in it - but in God and his future for me and for us.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Am Not Kidding!

Julianne still tells us that "we are not a good idea" if we are asking her to go to bed or eat dinner or some other task that she dislikes. Now, she also says, "I am NOT kidding you" when she is trying to be serious or express to us what she does NOT want to do. It is all I can do not to start cracking up.

A few other cute Julianneisms:

*I was laying down with her the other day and she started telling me that she loved my eyes, my ears, my hair and she would pat each one. Then, she goes, "I love your Whole Body!" I thought this was rather kind given that no one else has said that to me in ages!!! :-)

*She likes to run around naked after her bath yelling, "I am FREE!"

*She pulled out a tiny piece piece of wax from her ear and said, "I found a buger in my ear."

*She tends to like boys....of all ages....the other day she met a pair of boy/girl twins and asked their mother what their names were....the mother replied, "Carter and Olivia" and Julianne proceeded to put on what I call her "flirty but shy face" and goes, "Hiiiii Cawterrrr" and completely ignored Olivia. Poor Olivia.

Graduation at The Little Gym

Julianne's gymnastics class had a ribbon ceremony and graduation after 17 weeks of hard work and coming a long way. The kids started off going to class, running around like wild monkeys, not listening, not following instructions, and not knowing how to do anything. Now most of them can follow directions, do certain signs in sign language, do a forward roll, a monkey jump (which is the beginning of a cart wheel) and a donkey kick (which is the beginning of a handstand)....let's face it - this is really just for fun, but I am happy she is getting some skills out of it too! We are going to do another class through June and then maybe do something else....Goooooooooo Little Gym! :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009


Potty Training is a challenge. As with everything I do, we have been transitioning slowly, steadily, and surely over the last 4-5 months. We finally went to big girl underwear over the weekend and I thought we had mastered the #1 part until we had an accident all over the booth of the place we ate lunch today. We are also terrified to go #2 on the toilet, but we have made strides. Our reward is Skittles and I am thinking we may need to switch to something even better. At least by the time she turns 3 she will probably be 95% potty trained! We will see.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Julianne got very used to Justin being around for the 2 weeks of Christmas break. When he went back to work on Monday, she asked, "Where my Daddy go?" I said, "He had to go back to work." On Tuesday morning she asked, "Where my Daddy go?" I said, " He's back at work sweetie" and she screamed, "AGAIN???" I tried to explain that he works Monday through Friday and will be back with us during the days on the weekends, but she was very sad and concerned that he was back at work - "again." It was too cute.

Another cute Julianne-ism is that she calls us "guys" right now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

One Last Jingle Bells

Ok, I know Christmas is over and we are all spiraling into a deep depression because of it (well, I am), but here is one last Jingle Bells to enjoy. Julianne led the family in a lovely rendition complete with a nose pick.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Movie Reviews

I am a wanna be movie buff, so here are some reviews for anyone interested:

Seven Pounds: B+...Interesting Story, great acting, keeps you guessing until the VERY end which drove me a bit nuts. A movie about redemption that sort of breaks your heart.

Gran Torino: A- ...Clint Eastwood plays a total hard a$$ who hates everyone and is sort of "dead" among the living. The accolades this movie is receiving in the media caused me to expect more than I got, so lower your expectations and this is worth seeing.

Yes Man: C+...Good rental, funny with a serious message to not let life pass you by by saying NO to everything.

The Tale of Desperaux - Going to see this next week with Jules!

Safari Stop

This is the Safari Stop/Indoor playground at Julianne's school and our church. Frazzled mom's spend a lot of time up here in the hot summer or occasional freezing winter day when the elements will not allow for outdoor play. There is a cafe right outside that serves coffee and lunch foods so you can't ask for a better set up. Well, I had the bright idea of having Julianne 3rd birthday party here as it would be cheaper than a jumping place, but you have to be turning 4. As we say in our family - BIZZZ. So, we are having her party at Pump It Up or as Julianne likes to call it Pump-A-Jump. I am sure it will be great! I am looking forward to someone else doing the set up and clean up. Woo-Hoo!!!