Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am clearly not that into blogging, but here is the latest from Plano, Dallas, Texas as Julianne calls it.

Well, Jenna is just shy of 11 months and she is standing up and waving her hands wildly. She has started shaking her head back and forth (for no) when she is doing something she is not supposed to do. She scrunches up her nose and sort of breathes in and out of it very loudly while she is eating - just to make us laugh. She imitates very well - usually in the backseat of the car Julianne will squeal and a few seconds later Jenna will squeal back. If we make a tooting sound with our mouth, Jenna will do the same in return. She is sleeping through the night as of 9 months - YAY! She goes to school on Monday for the very first time. We will see how it goes!

Cute sayings from Julianne:

"Running around like a chicken with it's FACE cut off" (Trying to say running around like a chicken with it's head cut off)

"Watch my bend back" (For Back Bend)

"Paradise Estake" (For the My Little Ponies Home which is Paradise Estate)

Julianne is in Pre-K this year and can't wait to get back to school.

I am back at work 20+ hours a week for Deloitte and am enjoying it. I am looking for high level proposal writers who will work on the Firm's highest priority propsals.

Justin is doing great - recent trips to Chicago, Kansas City, and Denver. Fantasy Football looms so he is gearing up.

More later....

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