Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

We had a great time in Georgia complete with a visit to Athens to see our best friends and a trip to the ATL to hang with Uncle Neal, Aunt Lisa, Noelle, Andrew, Gamma, and Gumps. Despite both Julianne and Mom visiting urgent care clinics for sinus infections, we still managed to have a good time! Some highlights:
*We got to have some Georgia favorites: Mellow Mushroom Pizza, Willy's Burrito, and Eienstein Bagel.
*Driving by our old house in Marietta, GA - it is for sale again!
*Hanging out with Todd and Cara and laughing constantly, as we always do....the ease of being together never fades and it is such a blessing to see Cami and Julianne growing to be good friends as well
*Julianne and Cami decorating a gingerbread house
*Seeing Madelyn's accomplishments - sitting up, rolling, saying uh-oh, and being SO aware of what is going on around her - she does not miss a thing!
*Meeting our nephew Andrew who is a spitting image of his Uncle Michael on the Silvestro side
*Seeing Noelle and Julianne have so much fun together, playing, reading, making tamborines with pipecleaners and jingle bells (great craft idea by Aunt Lisa), going to Starbucks, the park, many great walks, jumping at Monkey Joes, etc.
*Enjoying a fabulous T-giving feast with J's family - even Andrew slept for about 20 mins during the meal so we could enjoy it
*Playing Sequence, watching Meet the Parents, and enjoying some Vietnamese Food for the first time...
*Seeing Julianne and Noelle decorate the place cards and the votive candles for our feast

Some Pictures:

1 comment:

kristie's girls said...

there is a mellow mushroom up here, so come on!!!